Monday, August 06, 2007

August 6

Well, as usual, I don't have any pics to share. We had friends from Oregon up last week - kids Brian and his family had grown up with, and somehow, did not take a single picture. I still don't think like a scrapbooker sometimes. And actually, they aren't kids anymore - they are just a couple years younger than us (Larry and Linda Shirley, and her mom, Peg.) They rented a motor home in Anchorage and toured the country and fished a lot. Larry and Linda and Brian went out on a halibut charter one day with Aaron Mahoney and had the fishing day of their lives. They said you couldn't even set your line before you would get a halibut - so they got to pick and choose which ones to bring home. They didn't get any monsters, but had a great time catch and releasing lots of "ping pong paddles" before bringing in the meat fish.

It was a week day, so poor Justin didn't get to go. Then this weekend, when Brian and Fred and Justin could have gone out in Fred's boat - the wind blew so hard it kept blowing the doors of the house open.... not good weather to be out on the water.

Brian took the boat back over to Fred's house today - Brian has to go back to work tomorrow, so figures his chances to use the boat are over for this year. They only took it out once. Brian gets up early every morning and catches silvers in the river and since he works nights at the school, he can keep doing that until the river freezes later this fall. This year, he works Tuesdays thru Saturdays from 4 to midnight. and has Sunday and Monday off. I don't know if we will like that or not, but I spend most of my time sleeping anyway, so I guess one day is pretty much like any other. hehehe I mean, my physical therapy is helping me get stronger, but it sure takes the starch out of me for a day or two each session.

Our dog is not progressing as well as I had hoped - I don't know what to do with her - sometimes she is the sweetest thing and then other times, she just drives us all crazy and makes me wonder what I was thinking. Oh well, at least it keeps us all busy and our arms are getting a workout throwing that ball over and over and over and over again.

Well, I guess I don't have any news - I just wanted you all to know we weren't up to anything around here. LOVE Charlotte

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