Monday, November 19, 2007

Bitten by Spaghetti

Mya is just learning to eat people food - we were just going to feed her dog food when we first got her, but soon realized that she wasn't getting enough fats (thank you Justin for sacrificing your freshly oiled shoes for us to figure out she needed more oil in her diet). So now, we feed her our leftovers and the grease from bacon and stuff and she hasn't been noshing on any shoes lately.

Anyway, usually the leftovers are off someone's plate or when we clean out the fridge, but with the kids gone, we had some spaghetti left over on the stove which was apparently still quite hot. Mya went over eagerly to eat it, because she loves spaghetti -- but each time she got close, the heat burned her nose. So she took it personally as an attack and she would back off about a foot away and bark bark bark at the spaghetti, trying to subdue it. Then she would go back for another try and it would hurt her nose again, and she would back off and bark bark bark --then try from the other side. got her nose again, back off and bark bark bark.

Brian and I got to laughing so hard we could hardly stand it. I have to say everyday, one of my gratitudes is funny, loveable, loving pets. I am so glad they are a part of my life.... and thank you to Alicia and Justin for putting up with the new dog. I know it wasn't your first choice, but she adds so much to our lives. I really appreciate you guys accepting her and helping out.

somewhere in the snow, she lost her pretty pink collar. We won't be able to find it until spring. Fortunately, she is so well behaved, we hardly ever need a collar anyway. Charlotte

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