Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Day for Charlotte

Well, today is a big day for me. When I was 16, I looked around at everyone I knew and I decided that no one really needed to live more than 55 years. I mean, it was okay if you did, but it just wasn't for me. After the age of 55 it seemed to me that your body just couldn't do all the stuff that a 16 year old wants a body to do......

so flash forward a few decades and today i turn 55 and I am terrifyed that I have jinxed myself and that I am going to die this year. I keep trying to convince myself that if I change my thinking I won't die, but I'm not sure if it is too late.

So I'm trying to think lots of positive thoughts and make plans for future years and such, but in the back of my head, I'm still 55. YIKES ! ! !


Joanna said...

Here's hoping and praying that 55 won't be THE year for you....

Here's hoping that someone made you a delicious cake, that your day is fantastic, and that the year to come will be one of the BEST ever!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you have to stay around so we can meet you. take care, Novella(justins sister)

Anonymous said...

You won't die this year.Besides some of my best times were after 60 and 70. Your body let you down but i bet you can just keep on pushing and will have lots of good thigs yet.Love Mother

The Rhiens said...

Ahhhh...the older I get the more convinced I am that we are just getting started. Now the fun begins. We can be and do whatever we want, right?

Sounds good, anyway. Happy Birthday!

Love, Your little sister, Earlene :)