Monday, May 12, 2008

How 'bout those Lakers

All 8 of them that are on the floor at once.....

I watched the middle of the night rebroadcast of the Laker/ Jazz game tonight. And in the middle of the overtime, I remembered why I quit watching NBA.

If I couldn't win a game without buying off every ref in the league, I would be too embarrassed to show my face in public - especially, if I was always going around claiming to be the best player ever in the entire history of the game... past, present and future.

In other words, if any other team or player had backed into another player and forearmed them to the floor, it would have been called as a big foul, but not Sir Kobe or his lackie.. I think it was fisher. Ticks me off more than I can say.

Thank Goodness that Boozer and Kyle Kover saved the Jazz. Stupid Lakers, I just cannot stand them. Char


Joanna said...

we didn't get home from our trip in time to watch the game...but horrible calls make me CRAZY. Especially when it's a team like the Lakers. Frankly - I've never liked the Lakers....and I hope (and pray - because that's what it will take....) that the Jazz can beat them in the coming game...we'll see.

Ted & Carole Whisler said...

AMEN CHARLOTTE. Can you believe all the bad calls. I hate Kobe too. I know we will get slaughtered in LA but I sure wish we could pull it out. I couldn't believe how they raved about poor Kobe's back. I know from my experience with a bad back, there is no way he could do what he did if it had hurt too bad. Carole