Saturday, July 05, 2008

Balloon Man

Brian's cousin, Kent Couch, is planning another big lawn chair balloon flight this weekend, probably on Monday, but it might be a different day, based on the weather. He plans to fly from Bend to Boise. He wanted to fly to Idaho last time, but evening thunderheads over the mountains convinced him to come down outside LaGrande, where his dad lives.

If you don't remember = Kent and Brian are first cousins. Kent's dad and Brian's mom are brother and sister. Alicia read a story about it on MSN. Idon't know what other news companies will follow the story.


The Rhiens said...

Keep us apprised of his success (or lack thereof, whichever it may be). If you read any articles, share the links. It would be fun to see how he does.

We wish him luck!


the Carlos Family said...

Charlotte, is this the balloon lawn chair guy that the mythbusters tested out a year or so back?!?!? Seriously?