Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So crazy lady says, you know, it isn't anymore mess or trouble to can 35 pounds of beans than it is to do 5 pounds. We might as well do them all.

and the part that always surprises the crazy lady, is that people say, yeah, you're right. It isn't anymore trouble, let's do them all.

Crazy lady forgot that each canner took time to warm up, 90 minutes at pressure, and 30 minutes to decompress...... that's a lot of canner time - lot of time sitting in the kitchen watching little weights jiggle back and forth..

I was so going to stay up and run that last cycle of beans, but I was having such trouble staying awake, and I had sent Alicia to bed at midnight. I could just see myself falling asleep and blowing up the house, so we decided to just wait until morning to reconsider. When we got up this morning, we just decided to feed the last 5 pounds of beans to the chickens. They really enjoyed them.

I would still like to can another 20 or 30 pounds. The point of canning them is of course so that you don't have to store the water to rehydrate the dried beans. I think people store lots of dehydrated food and then forget that they also need to store the corresponding amount of water. Plus, the ready cooked beans are so handy to have on hand.

Anyway - check alicia and justin's blog for the pictures. and the rest of the story.


jed-laura said...

Wow- those actually look really good. still- that's a TON of work. I'm very impressed. Wow.

The Rhiens said...

OK...this is funny! Really, really funny! Especially when you see the pictures. :)

Enjoy those beans. They WILL be handy. Good work!


jed-laura said...

woah. (:

Anonymous said...

WOW! 20-30lbs of beans! I don't think I've ever in my life thought of something like that, but it is just baffeling to me. That's a LOT of beans!