Friday, January 30, 2009

Mount Redoubt

Check Alicia's blog for all the info about Mount Redoubt. It isn't the mountain directly across the street from us - it is the next one north. We can see it from upstairs and from the porch and yard.

We are as prepared as people can be = we have dozens of masks and we have water and food and wood heat. they might shut down the power to save the equipment from the ash so we might be out of touch for a few days, but know that we are safe and as completely prepared as anybody can be.

the activity has just now increased and they expect it to blow any minute now, so keep us in your prayers - but we aren't afraid. Being a science nut, I am really excited to be so close to something like this.

(Okay, so the dogs aren't prepared, they can feel all the constant little earthquakes that we don't ever notice, so they keep running to the windows to see what is happening, but if they get too crazy, I think I will give them some sedatives, hehehe ).

See you on the NEWS ! ! !


Sandra said...

Rock and rollllllllll !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

GOD BLESS!!!Love mother

The Rhiens said...

Fun times! Keep us posted when you can. I guess we'll probably hear about it on the news before we'll hear it from you guys. We're thinking of you. Sounds like you're as ready as one can be.

Love ya!