Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today's progress

Today was a major day of progress for Anchor Point Enterprises. They got the office / house and the separate bunk house both moved to the beach and Justin's family are all settled in down there for the summer. They have been with us since the day after Easter.

The second skidder was brought down from Anchorage today so they are both here. I think the first skidder has been retrofitted and is ready to work. Justin is going down to the beach at low tide (that's at 1 am tonight) to clear the rocks out of the launch path while there isn't anyone down there.

He has some welding to do on the second skidder and has to waterproof the alternators.

You have to love living in a small town. They got the second house down to the beach about 5:00 and around 6:00 a woman from the Mexican food bus was down there to see if they had a job for her son. We hope they will hire him. Besides being good people, her son has worked there for 3 years so has the advantage over the rest of our crew - 99% of whom have probably not even been in the ocean before - of actually knowing what he is doing and could train the rest of the troops.

The house is very quiet. We aren't sure that we don't have the swine flu. Clarks spent two weeks the end of March with their family from Texas and as soon as they got here, everyone got sick with coughing and fever and headache and occasional diarrhea... just like in the news reports. We have passed it back and forth a couple times.. nothing serious, more just annoying. Plus for those of you who don't have Facebook yet, I slipped into a serious Lupus flare about a week ago... wolf bite on my face and arms even- which I haven't had for almost 10 years. Before Brian noticed the splotching I cried for several days and just kept going back to bed and asking, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME ?? ? ? Over and over in a somewhat pathetic and whiny voice.

Brian recognized the wolf bite on my arm before we recognized it on my face and then we all just took a relaxing breath and said, OKAY, we know how to take care of this. Actually, at first we couldn't remember, but it came back very quickly. Mainly, I have about 10 minutes of activity and then 30 minutes of rest. All day long. back and forth... but it is okay because in that 10 minutes I'm up I can do lots of stuff. I think mainly because I know it will be for a very short time so I can get something done - knowing that a rest period is scheduled and I won't need to save my energy for something later in the day.

Love you all, Charlotte


Sandra said...

Char, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I seem to remember that you have had other Lupus flareups as the days got longer???

Anyway, I prefer the blogs to FaceBook, because I can't use facebook from work, and I can access the blogs from work--it's an important part of my mental health when I get to stressed at work. My 2 cents.

Take care of yourself, Love, S

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