Saturday, May 09, 2009

Poor Alicia

Alicia has had a really hard week. One of their investors decided he wants his money back and she has been stressing about that all week.

then her favorite goat died right after delivery. Her therapy and solace for the past 6 months has been to go into the goat barn and spend time with Gretta. she spends hours brushing her and talking to her. So now she is devastated that her goat died and the person that can calm her down WAS the goat.

they brought the babies in the house last night and put them to bed by the heater. They didn't make a peep all night so that kind of worried us so she got up and was having an anxiety attack anyway and went over to check on them and they were too hot and were panting and she just lost it, because that was what Gretta did before she died. So Alicia did what she always does in stressful situations, she threw up, repeatedly. And then she noticed that the throw up was pink and then red ...

I had stayed up all night to be on hand for any emergency, but she thought I was sleeping so didn't even come get me - drove herself to the emergency room. The doctor thinks she might have an ulcer and the throwing up she has been doing just scratched her throat. The doctor in the ER today is an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Justin called the goat lady early this morning, she was heartbroken too. she really loved Gretta and wants to trade one of Gretta's nanny babies for the billy Alicia and Justin want. She had lots of frozen colostrum and 4 gallons of milk and some milk replacement. There wasn't any at the feed store when Alicia went yesterday to stock up, so we were lucky she had some extra.

thanks for the info, Carol. Everybody told us they had to be fed every 2 hours and had to be on colostrum for at least 3 days and stuff that just isn't possible - so your help is very calming. I read your post to Alicia in the Er and she was very relieved.

Anchor Point Chamber has this huge fishing tournament that was scheduled for today so the whole time Alicia was up with the goats and being sick, she was worried about what to do about the giant tournament and all the miles of boats they had to launch today. But the weather started out bad so they are having it tomorrow instead. so she can come home and rest when she gets done at the pharmacy.


The Rhiens said...

Oh, I just sitting here in tears thinking about all that she is going through right now. She'll definetely be in our prayers. I hope, for her sake, that those little babies all make it. Wish we could be there to help. Give her a BIG hug for me and tell her that we love her!

Love, Earlene and Scott

Joanna said...

Oh Alicia - we love you so much. How heartbreaking and hard it must be right now. Please know that we loev you, are continuing to pray for you, and wish we could help in some way.

Love, Joanna

Our son Kade said...

Thank you so much.