Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My New Hobby

Ok, so I added a new hobby to my list. I am starting to collect costume jewelry (mostly what is termed "Vintage"). I've been spending time on ebay looking at all the cool stuff there is to get. People up here don't have that kind of stuff to sell at estate sales & auctions, so there isn't anywhere else to get it. I just have this fascination with it. SO - if you any of you have any that you ever want to get rid of, think of me please!! I promise I would give it a good home. :) Its so fun. Love it!

Still snowing here. snowing, and snowing, and snowing. SIGH. Other than that, not much new. Love you all! Alicia


Anonymous said...

Oh!My! My friend don and I just cleared out the last of a lot of costume jewelry. I made double on what it was years ago.Don't hae much but odds and ends and som,e real antiques. More when I feel better.
You have to watch people. Even with locked glass casses people teal terrible. This one lady stole one each of 3 sets and wanted to buy the one way cheap. I coudn"t cause a scene so I had a chain of Indian corn on just a stretch thread. He came and wanted it and ask what it was and I know it is not nice but I whispered it is a magic Indian necklace and charged him for wht his wife stole. After all if he believes it is Magic, Is is not Magic indeed?I"ll watch out for things all summer. Love Grandma Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Hey Alicia, Vintage as in 40s? 50s? 70s?
It's such a stretchy word these days!

Hope you are doing well. It's raining, raining, raining here. Love, Sandra