Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Volcano magic

I think that this is the coolest picture of the volcano. It was taken today, during our big wind storm (still going on), and all the misty looking stuff is the ash blowing around from all the wind. The volcano has slowly started being active again, building on the lava dome, and starting to have activity again. It has been having a really low level eruption since saturday, but that hasn't meant anything for us. Even if there had been enough ash let off to reach us, the wind has been blowing out of the north, and would have blown the ash the other way from us. But so far, so good.

Dad has been busy busy working on his project. He had to get a new guy to help him today, his other help went back to his full time job (he works up on the north slope oil fields, two weeks there, two weeks home). Dad has another good helper now though, he was really really pleased with the work Dave does.

Other than that, we've just been doing our thing. Mom and I have been working on scrapbooking the pictures from my college graduation. To make a kind of difficult memory more fun to do, we've made it a challenge. We had double prints of all the pictures, so we divided them equally, then we bought a package of fun spring type papers (perfect for Hawaii stuff) and we're each working on our albums at the same time, using the same materials as our base, just to see what we can both come up with. Its been really fun so far, and we've only done a few pages. I'll try and post some, but they are 12x12 so kind of hard to post, but I'll try. :) Its kind of like an "Iron Chef" scrapbooking challenge. Fun! Most of you probably remember that we had some "issues" with our last Hawaii vacation, so we're trying to make the memories funner. So far, so good.

I guess that is my phrase for the day - so far so good. :) We're plugging along, and doing pretty good. We're so grateful to have this work project for dad.

I do have to say though that I am having a hard time shaking off this winter. I am SO READY for spring, but it keeps snowing, and blowing, and snowing more. Just when I think spring is here, it runs away again. So I'm struggling a bit with that. But I'm sure that spring will be here eventually. It has to be. Right?? RIGHT???? :) Someday the snow will leave and I can wear my flip flops again -they're calling to me.

Well I guess that's everything. Sorry I don't have more pictures. Its hard to think of pictures sometimes. I guess I could post more pictures of the cat or something. :) We love you all. Alicia


Anonymous said...

Love the volcano pic. I kept thinking since Char and Earlene are giving up their swimming this year we should take up the slack by gatering Augustine Ashes and make ceramic stuff?Ha!Ha!
Feeling sooooo! much better. Love grandma Marilyn

The Rhiens said...

Wow! Beautiful picture! You guys can't see it from your house, can you? Sorry winter is back. Winter returned for us today, too. So, I can kinda relate, although we sure haven't had much snow or rain this winter, so we are glad to have it. Hang in there!


Levi J. Bobbitt said...

Alicia - Great to hear from you! I love your blog! It has some news-worthy stuff in it!! Next time your in Wallowa County give me a hollar!