Monday, December 08, 2008

Some of our Thanksgiving pics

Don and Jenn after the toddler party in the girls restroom was broken up.

Jake trying to win at pool.

Cassandra and Boyd and Saundi.. Trying to decide if Kareoke is as bad as others say it is (I think that is what they are talking about, I don't read lips, they were probably discussing something about Primary. ) Note the look on Boyd's face, he was just removed from the toddler party in the girls restroom.

Fred and Carol show their way around the Kareoke machine.

Heather explaining the finer points of pool to Jake and to our pretend grand daughters Wendy and Brittany,

Luke playing pool with Grandpa Brian

One of 4 tables packed with good, good food.

Jennifer and Jess belting one out while Kimmie and Rachel dance.

The battery on the camera kept dying so I didn't get the best picture of this. There were these twirly lights that went in a circle on the stage and every time she saw them, Vee just danced and danced in circles until finally we had to turn them off so she didn't get dizzy. You can't see the lights in this photo, but you can see her shining eyes. She was in heaven.

Kimmie belting out her ABC's and I think Twinkle Twinkle.

These two photos are all of us singing Happy Birthday to our pretend granddaughter Jessica for her 19th birthday. In the top photo, she is trying to crawl under the pool table and Shauna is holding her back. Below, we finally not only got her to smile, we actually captured it in a photo.

Gavin just loves to talk to Justin.

5 Toddlers, 3 babies, 6 teenagers, 2 pre-teens, 2 missionaries and 2 rooms full of adults.

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