Thursday, February 19, 2009

our schedule for the next month

I have debated back and forth about posting all this, but I've decided to put some of it up.

We pretty much have a doctor or lab appointment or prep-work everyday, it seems.

On Tuesday we go to Anchorage for a nuclear heart scan, the stress test on Tuesday and the resting part on Wednesday, followed immediately by the visit to the cardiologist on whom we are all waiting to see if my heart can take any of these surgeries. Right after we are done at the cardiologist, we run upstairs and have the abdominal ct scan with contrast.

So the surgery is tentative set for March 18th, pre-op in Anchorage on the 17th. It can't be laproscopic .

Anyway, we are very blessed to have full medical coverage to pay for all of this, they would fly us up and back for our medical appointments, but then we wouldn't have a car to drive around in and couldn't shop to distract ourselves. I might fly up and back for the actual surgery since the road is really bumpy this time of year with the frost heaves and such. It is during spring break so Alicia can't come - they run the tubing hill full time that week - and Brian might not be able to come because he has a bunch of welding that he had lined up for spring break. Plus, trying to rent a motel room during spring break is really hard.

After losing 4 close friends (3 of them my age and one younger) to cancer this past year (lost another one last week) I'm scared, but being scared is what led me to get the first biopsy after Jackie died just about exactly a year ago.

Earlene and her family are having a fast day for us on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. If you would like to join in, we could use your prayers. Thanks. Love, Char


Sandra said...

Char, so sorry to hear this. Will call you on the weekend.
Love you much, and you are in our prayers. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I am sending my prayers and mothers love to you. Love Mother

jed-laura said...

We will keep you in our prayers, and will definitely join in the family fast.

We love you (((Hugs)))