Friday, March 13, 2009


Earlene asked about the schedule so here it is.

Brian is going with me. They are on spring break at the school, but he also has sick days to use on me.

We go up Tuesday for the pre-op with the doctor and then the surgery is around noon on Wednesday. She said I would be in the hospital for 3 or 4 days - longer if I have a fever or complications.

We are on the list to stay at the cancer housing at the hospital and if they have room for us, we will stay in Anchorage for a day or two after I get out of the hospital if I'm still feeling peaked. Then we'll come home.

Alicia and Justin start their full time days at the Tubing Hill today. They have 2 private parties today- 2 different schools coming for start of spring break parties. then they are open for 3 sessions a day every day thru the 22nd. With another private party one night this week. They got some good new snow yesterday that should last out the week.

they have so much to do for the start up of the tractor launch that this might be the last week for the tubing hill. Just depends on the weather and their energy.

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