Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We finally got a call back from my doctor in Anchorage today with the results of the abdominal ct scan. (they used a machine, not an actual cat like they use down here in homer, hehehe).

She told Alicia that the mass we thought was the ovarian cancer was revealed to be a simple hernia. Well, we don't know it is simple yet, but compared to it being an ovarian tumor, a hernia sounds simple. Dr. Murray said she really thinks we will find that I don't have cancer yet, she thinks the chance of cancer is "very, very slim" and she is hoping they will do a simple hysterectomy and see if they can repair the hernia and in 3 or 4 days, I'll be home and fine.

We are all dancing off the walls with joy around here. Thank you for all your wonderful prayers. I know we can feel them working.
Love, Charlotte


jed-laura said...

the other day Alli said in her prayer, "And please bless Aunt Charlotte that she can get better so she can have more fun."

I thought that was pretty cute.

We love you, and are thrilled about the news of your hernia. (that sounded funny).

Sandra said...

This is FABULOUS! I am so glad for you. Love you, Sandra

The Rhiens said...

Woo-hoo! That's wonderful! That will certainly make facing the surgery easier, huh? Keeping you always in our thoughts and prayers.

What day do you leave for your surgery?

Love ya!!